Clayton High School
Class Of 1979

Updates to Matthew's profile since your last visit are highlighted in yellow.
Matthew Krentz
Profile Updated: February 1, 2009
Residing In: | Glencoe, IL USA |
Spouse/Partner: | Erin McKenna Krentz |
Occupation: | Management Consultant |
Children: | Andrew, 17 is a Senior at New Trier High School; He plays tennis competitively Lisa, 15 is a sophomore More…at Woodlands Accademy in Lake Forest; She dances, figure skates and horseback rides Brian, 14 is in 8th grade at Central School in Glencoe, IL; He pair figure skates and is active in boy scouts |
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Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 12:18 AM

Still playing ultimate frisbee!! My daughter Lisa is very competitive!
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